Danielle & Adam a surprise proposal

San Luis Obispo wedding photographer Jen Rodriguez photographs Danielle Capito's surprise proposalSan Luis Obispo proposal photographer Danielle Adam Poff proposal story

 100lc featuredFeeling super grateful to have my photographs of Adam and Danielle’s proposal featured on 100 Layer Cake! 

This was my very first proposal, which is an awesome moment to photograph. However, this was a very special proposal. My wonderful friend Danielle was getting engaged. D is not only beautiful but she is soooo talented, thoughtful, outgoing, and stylish beyond words. I am so lucky to call her my friend. D is also a wedding photographer here in San Luis Obispo, we met years ago and just clicked. We are a part of an amazing group of wedding photographer gal pals that get together regularly. We eat, talk, and laugh a lot. If we had jobs in our group of friends Danielle would be the social director. I love her for it. Through the years we have gotten to know Adam and on numerous occasions we have asked about when they were finally going to get engaged. I also let him know, that when the time came, I would be there in a heart beat to capture it for them. Months before the proposal he contacted me to let me know he was getting ready to pop the question and that he would follow up with details down the road. Then came the hard part, keep my mouth shut. Hahaha. I did really well though. I didn’t say a word. Danielle ended up scheduling her yearly family photos  with me. It seemed like the perfect time for Adam to propose since she was getting a tad suspicious, and these photos were her idea. With some gentle suggestions we ended up starting the shoot in SLO and then heading out to Cambria. Once we were inside of the super cute Grow Nursery it was time for Adam to surprise D. She literally jumped up and down she was so excited. They’re getting married later this year at the charming Flying Caballos Ranch in San Luis Obispo and I CANT WAIT to photograph the day for them!

Proposal location: Grow Nursery  –  Ring box: Handmade by the groom to be